Quotes, Quips, Skits, Bits, Toasts, Tales, and a Whole Lotta Nothing
Monday, May 5, 2014
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
48 Plus One... Day
Hello, if anybody's out there. I haven't blogged in a while. Matter of fact, I don't blog much. But I am now, so if you're here, you're sort of probably reading this. If you're not reading it, you're probably just staring at the screen vegging out, not really paying attention to what you're looking at. If you're one of those people, go fuck yourself. If you're really reading it, go un-fuck yourself. Anyway, had a great few days visiting family up north. Yesterday, St Patty's Day, was my birthday. I turned 48, case you haven't figured that out yet. Played at O'Henning's in Bakersfield. Had a great time. I'm really starting to like my wife a lot. I think she's the greatest. I'm working on being acceptable and not too annoying.... Well, acceptable, anyway. We headed back home from Bakersfield after the show and after visiting friends. It was a long, long ride -- closed freeways, missed exits, lot of singing, lot of guitar playing, good conversation with my wife (Jenny). Got home, started sculpting, my latest hobby. Getting kinda good at it, I think. Either way, it's fun and relaxing and I enjoy it quite a bit.... Wednesday I play at Harvelle's in Long Beach -- pretty much every Wednesday. Sunday is the benefit for my old pal Max Bangwell, who has been quite sick. We wish him well and hope we can get him a bunch of money to help with whatever... or just so he can spend it and have a good time... Last week I had a minor altercation outside of my best friend's bar, so I've been 86ed from there. Unfortunate. Besides that, things seem to be ok... But things aren't always what they seem. For instance, right now you're reading this... on your laptop, on your desktop, on your iPad, maybe on your phone... and you're thinking everything's ok. What if it isn't? What if it really is, but you think it isn't? You ever think of that? Huh? Answer me! Don't just stand there reading passively! Why don't you quit reading this? I really don't have much to say now. Go do something. Make a difference. Lie. Be honest. Cheat. Steal. Give something away. Whatever you're into -- just try not to hurt the innocent people. I'm not saying you should punish severely the bad ones or the ones you think are bad or annoying. Just remember to pick your battles. There's a time and a place for everything. Right now, my time is about up for this blog entry. I hope this has not been the highlight of your day. If it has, get a hobby. Try sculpting. It's kinda fun! or maybe get your own blog. I probably won't read it, but it might be good for you. Either way, get out of your pajamas, take a shower, comb your hair, or at least put your pants on. Be all that you can be. Keep on reaching. Keep on growing. If you don't want to grow, it's ok to just become your own personal compost heap. Stew in your juices. Maybe that's what you need. This is James, signing off. You have no idea what I'm going to do, but it's gonna be really cool. Talk to you when I talk to you!
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Turkey Day Stretch (As In, My Belly)
- Greetings… James here! Nearly fully recovered from overeating, over-pieing, cookie-ing, ice cream & caking, over the turkey day eating binge! Seriously, I was hurtin' for a couple of days… hope you were, too!
- Co-emceed the Harmonica Blowdown at Golden Sails in Long Beach with Bubba Jackson. (Photos by Billy Folsom.) Bubba's a real pro, a gentleman's gentleman and all-around good guy! Got to see friends I don't see often, managed to get through the festivities with only dropping one F-bomb. Not bad for me!

- My head seems to be on relatively straight, at least for now. Sanity is a rocky road, fraught with obstacles! Like watching TV with a nine-year old retarded kid changing channels every time I start to get interested in something. (My apologies to the mentally challenged… I meant no harm. That doesn't really matter, though, does it? If something a person says causes harm, misery, worry, bad speculation, or anything that can be construed as negative, it doesn't really matter what the person saying it meant, does it? Oh well, enough of that! I'm NOT sorry!)
- Thanksgiving at the Gias was incredibly wonderful! Belly ache and all! Played bocce ball, or should I say, Extreme Bocce Ball! Brother in law Doug and I will be exacting revenge, bocce style, at Christmas! The wife, as always, is a blessing. My new family is more than I could have asked for. My immediate family is a stellar, sturdy lot that still seems to tolerate me after all these years. I love them all!
- Lot going on creatively… Had my eye on making a movie. That seems to have switched to doing a reality show! The question is what to put in, what to leave out? My mind's a twisted vortex over this one. It'll unravel and work out for the best!
- Tomorrow night at Harvelle's will feature my wife Jenny opening the show, myself and the Blues Express, and special guest, Big Manny. You really should go. I mean, think about it: What else is there to do? Where else should you be? All right -- I give up… Please come to the show! It's always a lot of fun, and besides, you're helping out a worthy cause (not Bill Cosby!)… Any donations given at the door go to our friend Kid Ramos, who is battling cancer. Stop in, listen to a tune, have a beverage, alcoholic or otherwise. I'll even say hello!
- Talk to you soon, Your Pal, James

- Thanksgiving at the Gias was incredibly wonderful! Belly ache and all! Played bocce ball, or should I say, Extreme Bocce Ball! Brother in law Doug and I will be exacting revenge, bocce style, at Christmas! The wife, as always, is a blessing. My new family is more than I could have asked for. My immediate family is a stellar, sturdy lot that still seems to tolerate me after all these years. I love them all!

- Tomorrow night at Harvelle's will feature my wife Jenny opening the show, myself and the Blues Express, and special guest, Big Manny. You really should go. I mean, think about it: What else is there to do? Where else should you be? All right -- I give up… Please come to the show! It's always a lot of fun, and besides, you're helping out a worthy cause (not Bill Cosby!)… Any donations given at the door go to our friend Kid Ramos, who is battling cancer. Stop in, listen to a tune, have a beverage, alcoholic or otherwise. I'll even say hello!
- Talk to you soon, Your Pal, James
Monday, November 11, 2013
Blogging along.....
Hello people!
I guess I'm a goon's blog again, almost forgot I started this thing.......Oops.
Europe was incredible! We played in the Netherlands, France, Germany, and Switzerland. Great crowds, good food, friendly people! We're going back soon. I'll keep you posted.
Now I'm getting ready for my next project...W.B.J. Record! It's gonna be fun!
Weds. I'll be back at Harvelle's in Long Beach, with my better half, Jenny Page opening the show, Sat. Night we'll be in Taft at the Oasis, Sun. In Bakersfeild. See www.whiteboyjames.com for all the info.
I'm kinda tired.
I guess I'm a goon's blog again, almost forgot I started this thing.......Oops.
Europe was incredible! We played in the Netherlands, France, Germany, and Switzerland. Great crowds, good food, friendly people! We're going back soon. I'll keep you posted.
Now I'm getting ready for my next project...W.B.J. Record! It's gonna be fun!
Weds. I'll be back at Harvelle's in Long Beach, with my better half, Jenny Page opening the show, Sat. Night we'll be in Taft at the Oasis, Sun. In Bakersfeild. See www.whiteboyjames.com for all the info.
I'm kinda tired.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Hangin' Tough......
Hello people! I hope all is cool as can be with all of you. I'm hangin' in there, chippin' away at the big block of life....... A couple of little pieces at a time.
My band goes to Europe in October! See www.whiteboyjames.com for details.
I'll blog more in a few moments.
Talk at you soon!
I'll blog more in a
My band goes to Europe in October! See www.whiteboyjames.com for details.
I'll blog more in a few moments.
Talk at you soon!
I'll blog more in a
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Another night of racing thoughts.......Good ones!
Good morning to you. I hope you are happy, safe, and loved.......Well, most of you.
It's been a busy week for my family, and the Blues Express! S.D. Was incredible, as were parts in between. ( Don't think that way )
Tonight W.B.J. & T.B.E. will be doing our thing at a great little place in Pico Rivera called Gardens.
After that, I shall retreat to my lair, lie down next to my bowl, and lick my wounds.
Life is an incredible journey............Talk to you soon!
It's been a busy week for my family, and the Blues Express! S.D. Was incredible, as were parts in between. ( Don't think that way )
Tonight W.B.J. & T.B.E. will be doing our thing at a great little place in Pico Rivera called Gardens.
After that, I shall retreat to my lair, lie down next to my bowl, and lick my wounds.
Life is an incredible journey............Talk to you soon!
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