- Greetings… James here! Nearly fully recovered from overeating, over-pieing, cookie-ing, ice cream & caking, over the turkey day eating binge! Seriously, I was hurtin' for a couple of days… hope you were, too!

- Co-emceed the Harmonica Blowdown at Golden Sails in Long Beach with Bubba Jackson. (Photos by Billy Folsom.) Bubba's a real pro, a gentleman's gentleman and all-around good guy! Got to see friends I don't see often, managed to get through the festivities with only dropping one F-bomb. Not bad for me!

- My head seems to be on relatively straight, at least for now. Sanity is a rocky road, fraught with obstacles! Like watching TV with a nine-year old retarded kid changing channels every time I start to get interested in something. (My apologies to the mentally challenged… I meant no harm. That doesn't really matter, though, does it? If something a person says causes harm, misery, worry, bad speculation, or anything that can be construed as negative, it doesn't really matter what the person saying it meant, does it? Oh well, enough of that! I'm NOT sorry!)
- Thanksgiving at the Gias was incredibly wonderful! Belly ache and all! Played bocce ball, or should I say, Extreme Bocce Ball! Brother in law Doug and I will be exacting revenge, bocce style, at Christmas! The wife, as always, is a blessing. My new family is more than I could have asked for. My immediate family is a stellar, sturdy lot that still seems to tolerate me after all these years. I love them all!

- Lot going on creatively… Had my eye on making a movie. That seems to have switched to doing a reality show! The question is what to put in, what to leave out? My mind's a twisted vortex over this one. It'll unravel and work out for the best!
- Tomorrow night at Harvelle's will feature my wife Jenny opening the show, myself and the Blues Express, and special guest, Big Manny. You really should go. I mean, think about it: What else is there to do? Where else should you be? All right -- I give up… Please come to the show! It's always a lot of fun, and besides, you're helping out a worthy cause (not Bill Cosby!)… Any donations given at the door go to our friend Kid Ramos, who is battling cancer. Stop in, listen to a tune, have a beverage, alcoholic or otherwise. I'll even say hello!
- Talk to you soon, Your Pal, James
i am not alone in loving you, but i love you in a singular way: as your loving wife. :) james, thank you for being my hero. as you wrote in your song, "things can only get better when you're with me."
ReplyDeleteI seriously doubt any retarded kids were harmed during the writing of this blog. Reality show, huh? I'm still trying to figure out exactly what “reality" is. Be well, Jamie. I hope our paths will one day cross again. I take joy in knowing that you are well and happy.